
[整理] 多元智能理論(英)

最近涉獵了一些 多元智能理論 (Multiple Intelligence theory),個人覺得頗為有趣。 整理的資料如下 

Multiple Intelligence theory, Edited by Chung-Han Hsieh

The Multiple Intelligence theory, or so called MI theory, which is proposed by Professor Howard Gardner. He believed that the human beings can have a number of relatively different but interacted intelligence not just only one general intelligence.
(from Harvard Graduate school of Education)

Two Definitions of Intelligence
  • 1. From Merriam-Webster Dictionary
    Definition: the ability to learn or understand or to deal with new or trying (difficult) situations. (Merriam-Webster Dict.)
  • 2. From Professor Howard Gardner:
    Howard Gardner viewed intelligence as 'the capacity to solve problems or to fashion products that are valued in one or more cultural setting' (Gardner & Hatch, 1989)

The main idea of Multiple Intelligence theory, MI theory

According to this MI theory, human beings have a number of relatively different but interacted intelligences. This theory is about understanding the intellect and the cognitive aspects of the human mind. It also criticized the traditional intelligence standards for the narrow psychological aspect; in other words, MI theory is against the traditional single intelligence standard such as the general IQ test.

Why is it so influential?
Many educators and teachers, based on their teaching experiences, tend to apply the MI theory’s idea to teaching their students because this theory successfully provides a guideline to find out the intelligence of different students in different ways. These educators believe that everyone can be educated to achieve certain level of intelligence by using an appropriate way.

 Professor Gardner's perspectives:
  • the intelligence of human beings is domain-specific, which means each person has their own special intelligence on certain subjects
  • Every people have at least 8 or 9 different type intelligence and it provides in more details than just one single IQ score.
  • People can be educated to achieve certain level intelligence.
  • Intelligence has multiple display ways. EX: Even the twins does not hold the same intelligence
  • The Multiple intelligence theory is not used for determining the type of intelligence of people, but for recognizing the type of intelligence of people.
Merit of MI theory (educations & some examples)
  • Students are likely to become more engaged in learning as they match their intelligence strengths.
  • Every learner is unique. Each student is seen as an individual with his or her own strengths and weaknesses.
  • A good possibility for teacher to guide, identify, celebrate their students intelligence.
  • Students may be motivated and confident when using an intelligence they know is one of their strengths.
How to apply the MI theory-One Example
In 1998 Nicholsen–Nelson suggested one approach to applying MI theory in language teaching:
  1. Play to your student's strengths.If your student is good a specific intelligence then you should structure the learning material to this strength.
  2.  Variety is the spice of life. Try to let every student participate in as many different intelligences during the lesson as possible.
  3. Pick a tool suited for the job.Language has many different dimensions, aspects or functions. These different facets could be linked to the most appropriate intelligence.
  4. One size fits all.Everyone has to participate in all the exercises to make sure that their use all their Intelligences. The multiple intelligences approach aims to develop the whole person and not just enhance already high intelligences.
  5. Me and my people.Be aware that different cultures value different intelligences. Western culture with its IQ test has a biased view on the intelligences. Language learning in particular needs to increase more than the students' IQ and is also a progress of understanding, communication and culture.

Criticism of MI theory
  1. lack of evidence or empirical support with certain systematic researches
  2. It's NOT new. Critics of MI theory maintain that Gardner's work isn't groundbreaking -- that what he calls "intelligences" are primary abilities that educators and cognitive psychologists have always acknowledged.
  3. It isn't well defined. Some critics wonder if the number of "intelligences" will continue to increase. These opposing theorists believe that notions such as bodily-kinesthetic or musical ability represent individual aptitude or talent rather than intelligence. Critics also believe that M.I. theory lacks the rigor and precision of a real science. Gardner claims that it would be impossible to guarantee a definitive list of intelligences.
  4. It's culturally embedded. M.I. theory states that one's culture plays an important role in determining the strengths and weaknesses of one's intelligences. Critics counter that intelligence is revealed when an individual must confront an unfamiliar task in an unfamiliar environment.
  5. It defeats National Standards. Widespread adoption of multiple intelligence pedagogy would make it difficult to compare and classify students' skills and abilities across classrooms.
  6. It is idealized and impractical. Educators faced with overcrowded classrooms and lack of resources see multiple intelligence theory as utopian.
Potential Abused part
  • Using MI theory as the only one instruction rule
  • Using MI theory to tag student.

  1. “FAQ – Multiple Intelligences and Related Educational Topics”–howardgardner.com
  2.  “Theory of Multiple Intelligences” – Wikipedia.
  3.  Howard Gardner, "Multiple Intelligences and education” – infed.org
  4. “Education World:Multiple Intelligences: A Theory for Everyone” – educationworld.com
  5. “21 years later, Multiple Intelligences Still Debated” – Washington Post
  6. “Summary of the Criticism of Multiple Intelligences” – mdecgateway.org
  7.  Lynn Waterhouse, “Multiple Intelligences, the Mozart Effect, and Emotional Intelligence : A Critical Review” (2006) 
  8.  “Multiple Intelligences”, –The Wiki of English Teaching.
  9.  “Are there Multiple intelligence” ?



[數學分析] 什麼是若且唯若 "if and only if"

數學上的 if and only if  ( 此文不討論邏輯學中的 if and only if,只討論數學上的 if and only if。) 中文翻譯叫做  若且唯若 (or 當且僅當) , 記得當初剛接觸這個詞彙的時候,我是完全不明白到底是甚麼意思,查了翻譯也是愛莫能助,畢竟有翻跟沒翻一樣,都是有看沒有懂。 在數學上如果看到 if and only if  這類的句子,其實是表示一種 雙條件句 ,通常可以直接將其視為" 定義(Definition)" 待之,今天要分享的是這樣的一個句子如何用比較直觀的方法去看他 假設我們現在有 兩個邏輯陳述句 A 與  B. 注意到,在此我們不必考慮這兩個陳述句到底是什麼,想表達什麼,或者到底是否為真(true),這些都不重要。只要知道是兩個陳述即可。 現在,考慮新的陳述:  "A if and only if B" 好了,現在主角登場,我們可以怎麼看待這個句子呢? 事實上我們可以很直覺的把這句子拆成兩部分看待,也就是 "( A if B ) and ( A only if B )" 那麼先針對第一個部分  A if B  來看, 其實這句就是說  if B then A, 更直白一點就是 "if B is true, then A is also true".  在數學上等價可以寫為 "B implies A" .  或者更常用一個箭頭符號來表示 "B $\Rightarrow$  A"  現在針對第二個部分  A only if B 此句意指  "If B is not true, then A is also not true". 所以如果已知 A is true,  那麼按照上句不難推得 B is also true 也就是說  A only if B  等價為 "If A is true then B is also true". 同樣,也可以寫作   "A implies B"   或者用箭頭表示  "A   $\Rightarrow$     B".

[數學分析] 淺談各種基本範數 (Norm)

這次要介紹的是數學上一個重要的概念: Norm: 一般翻譯成 範數 (在英語中 norm 有規範的意思,比如我們說normalization就是把某種東西/物品/事件 做 正規化,也就是加上規範使其正常化),不過個人認為其實翻譯成 範數 也是看不懂的...這邊建議把 Norm 想成長度就好 (事實上norm是長度的抽象推廣), 也許讀者會認為好端端的長度不用,為何又要發明一個 norm 來自討苦吃?? 既抽象又艱澀。 事實上想法是這樣的: 比如說現在想要比較兩個數字 $3$ , $5$ 之間的大小,則我們可以馬上知道 $ 3 < 5 $;同樣的,如果再考慮小數與無理數如 $1.8753$ 與 $\pi$,我們仍然可以比較大小 $1.8753 < \pi = 3.1415...$ 故可以發現我們有辦法對 "純量" 做明確的比大小,WHY? 因為前述例子中 $3$, $5$, $1.8753$ or $\pi$ 其各自的大小有辦法被 "measure "! 但是如果是現在考慮的是一組數字 我們如何去measure 其大小呢?? 比如說 \[x:=[1, -2, 0.1, 0 ]^T \]上式的大小該是多少? 是 $1$? $-2$? $0.1$??? 再者如果更過分一點,我們考慮一個矩陣 \[A = \left[ {\begin{array}{*{20}{c}} 1&2\\ 3&4 \end{array}} \right] \],想要知道這個矩陣的大小又該怎麼辦?? 是 $1$ ? $2$ 還是 $4$ ?..其實現階段我們說不清楚。 也正是如此,可以發現我們確實需要新的 "長度" 的定義來幫助我們如何去 measure 矩陣/向量/甚至是函數的大小。 故此,我們首先定義甚麼是Norm,(也就是把 "長度" or "大小" 的本質抽離出來) ================== Definition: Norm 考慮 $V$ 為一個向量空間(Vector space),則我們說  Norm 為一個函數 $||\cdot|| : V \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ 且滿足下列性質